Formerly the Vice President of Programs with the Wege Foundation, Terri McCarthy is a graduate degreed science education professional, with several years’ experience developing and assisting with the implementation and execution of environmental programs and projects for the Wege Foundation. Prior to working with the Wege Foundation, Terri gained experience as a public high school science teacher and a fundraising professional. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from Western Michigan University, a certificate in Secondary Educational Instruction as a Biology major, and has Masters Degree in Science Education from Grand Valley State University.
Terri’s interest in environmental issues was heightened upon traveling to Costa Rica during a high school exchange student program in 1977. After experiencing the extreme biological diversity of Costa Rica as a student, Terri was inspired to further understand and support biological conservation. Since 1998 Terri has been working to support the efforts of Dr.’s Janzen and Hallwachs through the GDFCF. She is currently retired and living in Guanacaste, Costa Rica.