In March 2023, the BioAve team of Natalie Sánchez and Isabel Vargas placed their first nanotag on a migratory bird, a Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina), that was mist netted near Estación Pitilla. The nanotag transmitter will allow MOTUS stations located throughout Central and North America (including the two stations located in ACG) to track this bird’s migration north to its breeding grounds. It will also allow the BioAve team to track the bird locally while it is in ACG. Natalie and Isabel were able to tag two other Wood Thrush during this season’s field research. We plan to tag over 65 more migratory birds over the course of the next year. The goal of BioAve, which is led by Natalie Sánchez, is to better understand and conserve non-breeding habitat in ACG for migratory birds. We are grateful to the Conservation, Food & Health Foundation for funding this research, and for support from Birds Canada and the University of Windsor, Canada, as well as individual donors.