Want to help make a difference in the survival of tropical forests? For over twenty years, the Guanacaste Dry Forest Conservation Fund has been making a difference with our partners on the ground. Almost 90% of our funding goes directly to research and conservation programs that benefit Área de Conservación Guanacaste in northwestern Costa Rica, one of the most biologically-rich places in the world. We welcome and appreciate your support.
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Your donations will support these core activities:
Bioinventory of ACG: Thirty-eight trained resident Costa Ricans work steadily across twelve research stations collecting species (roughly 1,000 per year) — many of which are still unknown and undescribed. They are essential to the effort to build a complete biological library of what lives in Área de Conservación Guanacaste on both the land and the sea. Education for Biodevelopment: Outdoor science for 52 elementary schools on the perimeter that use ACG as a living classroom through education programs provided by ACG and supported by GDFCF. These programs teach schoolchildren and teenagers to know the globally significant biological richness in their backyards and become constituents for its protection. Marine Conservation: Through collaboration with the University of Costa Rica's CIMAR marine institute we support efforts to preserve ACG's 43,000-hectare marine protected area and its over 150 km of wild coastline containing mangrove forests and criticial turtle nesting beaches. Land Acquisition: Strategically valuable parcels of rainforest that enhance biological corridors and the movement of species— especially in adapting to a climate change stressed world— are being added to the core protected area of ACG as opportunities arise. GDFCF staff have extensive experience in negotiating land purchases at the lowest reasonable cost. ACG Assistance: We provide timely help for specific ACG operational needs such as buildings, roads, vehicles, communications facilities, or boat repairs. [See: CURRENT WISH LIST]Need more information?
If you'd like more detail on these areas of work please visit What We Do. You can also find tax and financial information about GDFCF here. And if you would like to discuss other ways you can help, or have any questions, please feel free to contact Monique Gilbert, Development Director, at monique@gdfcf.org or 802-999-9365.