Jessie and Winnie Hallwachs have been friends since middle school. The Guanacaste Dry Forest Conservation Fund is Jessie’s first deep experience in the New World tropics. She has a growing interest in caterpillar biology and conserving where they live. The fund has become her philanthropic focus. Jessie is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in Fine Arts. She is a student of languages and cultures and has spoken Chinese for over 30 years. She has lived in Taiwan as well as Philadelphia, traveled widely, and now lives in rural Kauai, Hawaii. Jessie brings broad experience to GDFCF as a result of her service on the boards of Springside School, Morris Arboretum, and the Cox Charitable Trust.
- Who We Are
- Where We Work
- What We Support
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- Latest News
- Female Parataxonomists Take on Playa Nancite Cleanup
- Dan and Winnie's Firehose Solution
- Celebrating the 25th Anniversary as a UNESCO World Heritage Site
- Season's Greetings and Latest Newsletter
- Announcing New GDFCF Executive Director!
- Insect Decline May Be Cause for Population Drop in Neotropical Birds
- Studying the Small Stuff: 2nd BioMar Mini Symposium
- Resources