Dr. Winnie Hallwachs is a tropical ecologist who has worked for many years in the ACG as a researcher and technical advisor to Área de Conservación Guanacaste (ACG). She has worked closely with Dan Janzen in the development and implementation of biodiversity projects and programs and in the founding of ACG's formal non-profit partner, the Guanacaste Dry Forest Conservation Fund.
- Who We Are
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- Latest News
- Female Parataxonomists Take on Playa Nancite Cleanup
- Dan and Winnie's Firehose Solution
- Celebrating the 25th Anniversary as a UNESCO World Heritage Site
- Season's Greetings and Latest Newsletter
- Announcing New GDFCF Executive Director!
- Insect Decline May Be Cause for Population Drop in Neotropical Birds
- Studying the Small Stuff: 2nd BioMar Mini Symposium
- Resources